AAUW-West Virginia
Strategic Planning Committee:
West Virginia AAUW Executive Board Members:
President & Technology – Jada C. Hunter
VP/Public Policy– Atty. Teresa McCune
Finance Officer – Dr. Gail Hall
Secretary – Emily Mustachio
Membership VP – Natalie Carter
Diversity, Inclusion & Programs – Judy Southard
College/University Relations – Patricia McComas
STEM & STEAM – Dr. Sabrina Runyon
Bylaws – Connie Leuliette
Auditor/ Social Media – Dee Kapourales
The Executive Board, Branch Presidents, and Members of the West Virginia American Association of University Women are Committed to a Five-Year Strategic Plan that will strengthen our support of Women and Girls as we grow our Membership and Branches through promoting our brand and enhancing the visibility of AAUW-WV!
This will be accomplished by focusing on the AAUW
To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.
Equity for all.
To remain Non-partisan, Fact-based, have Integrity, and practice Inclusion and Intersectionality.
All Members of the West Virginia American Association of University Women will implement our Strategic Plan by focusing on the following National AAUW Goals:
Goal A. Increase success for all girls and women in West Virginia to access all levels of education and fields of endeavor
Objective 1. Meet the needs of all Women and Girls by focusing our
. intense efforts on encouraging them to enter STEM/
. STEAM Programs (which includes the Arts)
Action: Inform the public and School Systems and “help engineer
. a promising future for young women through AAUW’s .
. free STEMEd for Girls” program which starts July 7,
. 2021. “It was created exclusively for girls in grades 9
. through 12 and the parents, guardians and
. caregivers who support their dreams.”
Action: Directly impact their educational path by holding a free day-
. time workshop for girls in each County to mimic “Mingo
. County Strong” for girls, and partner with a College,
. university, or school near by to offer a free after school
. workshop in each County for Women and Men of all ages to
. take advantage of the “Work Smart” Program!
Goal B. Address the Gender Gap and support Policies to remove barriers and biases that exist by supporting Title IX
Objective l. Expand compliance with Title IX in West Virginia
Action: Communicate and Lobby Legislators through email, letter
. writing and phone calls, insuring that girls and women have
. equal access to all educational and professional opportunities
Goal A. Completely Close the Gender Pay Gap in 10 years
Objective l. Support and Champion Gender Pay Equity in the .
. United States and it’s Territories.
Action:. Champion the West Virginia Pay Equity Law in West
. Virginia by lobbying and writing legislators, encouraging
. them to support it. Also by contacting the West Virginia .
. Women’s Commission and the ACLU to support efforts
. that are already in place.
Objective 2. Lead the Nation by providing Salary negotiation programs
. for employers and their women employees.
Action: Inform women of all ages, cultures, races, and ethnicities of the
. “Work Smart” training opportunities available during our
. AAUW “Work Smart” Workshops”
Goal B. Create inclusive career pathways for women, free of
. systemic barriers and biases to attain economic security
Objective 1. Develop a blueprint for women to access careers, especially
. in high-paying fields.
Action: Provide a “Work Smart” community forum where attendees
. will learn how to attain economic security and how to
. advance in higher wage pathways.
Action: Include an introduction to “Work Smart” across the State for
. all High School Junior and Senior Girls.
Objective 2. Protect and expand compliance with Title VII and other
. Federal Civil Rights statutes during the “Work Smart”
. community forum
Action: Provide information and discuss Title VII, which is the “Civil
. Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting employment discrimination
. based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin”. As
. well as, the “Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 amending ‘
. several sections of Title VII.”
Goal C. Improve Women’s Retirement Security and Quality of Life.
Objective 1. Assist women in achieving their desired quality of life in
. preparation for retirement
Action: Schedule a workshop with various financial advisors to help
. Determine where individuals are on their pathway to
. financial stability upon retirement.
Goal A. Showcase women’s achievements, Trailblazers: similar to “West Virginia Living” Magazine’s “Wonder Woman” featured edition, through newspapers and other Media
Objective 1. Partner with other organizations to
. identify remarkable women
Action: Organize a and promote a program platform to present
. awards, and publicize the achievements of those women
Goal B. Closing the Gender Gap in Leadership Opportunities
Objective 1. Empower early and mid-career women to seek and
. succeed in leadership opportunities
Action: Expand Mingo County West Virginia’s initiative of partnering
. with the Local Board of Education to hold a one day workshop
. for all of the Junior Girls, throughout the State
Goal A. Ensuring the strength, relevance, and viability of AAUW well into the future
Objective 1. Evaluate and competitively assess AAUW’s governance
. model and ensure best practices in nonprofit board
. structure and services
Action: Have a meet and greet reception in various areas and business
. locations, (hospitals, colleges,) open to all ladies and .
. gentlemen of diverse backgrounds (with emphasis on youth .
. and groups of friends)
Objective 2. Embody the goals and spirit of inclusion, diversity, and
. intersectionality across all AAUW activities and
. interactions
Action: Recruit and encourage women and men from all walks of life
. to participate in AAUW activities
Objective 3. Modernize AAUW’s technology, projects, activities, and.
. infrastructure, while building strategic, integrated,
. comprehensive, and forward-looking communications
Action: Train all members on various modes of communication